Dr. Jim Kinnebrew & You . . . Going Higher!

Going Higher! Jim Kinnebrew, Ph.D. Conferences Contact Us Endorsements TentMakersTips


How is your life different from that of your neighbor who does not know Christ?  How is your church different from the many service clubs in your community?  Do the Christians you know act like a people indwelt by the Omnipotent God and charged by Him to change the world?

The clear exposition of the uncompromised Word of God--by a scholar who not only knows it but believes it--will  challenge you and your church to experience authentic, biblical Christianity.  You will never be the same again!


If you are in ministry (either volunteer or vocational), you need this newsletter.  If you are NOT in ministry (volunteer or vocational) why not?  God's children are to "do the work of the ministry" (Eph 4.11). Get involved!  Let us help!

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We sing about it, write about it, talk about it; but the sad truth is few in the church know anything of life on a higher plane than the rest of the world.  The untapped resources of the Christian life, the unrealized Truth of the Christian Gospel, results in a powerless church whose members have the same defeats and losses as those who don't know God.  It's true today as of old, "My people perish for lack of knowledge."

Isn't it time to rise above the level of carnal, ignorant, defeatist Christianity?  Join us in a biblically-oriented event at your church.  Join us in GOING HIGHER!  



It's not the newest fad, the latest "revelation knowledge," the next "great wave," or the most recent Christian "celebrity" that will bring the Church of Jesus Christ out of her present lethargy.  Only one Voice can awaken The Bride. . .  Only the Voice of God.    "All Scripture was given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness." 

The Bible is the Voice of God for today.  Only one who will proclaim the Word of God to the people of God can expect to see the work of God accomplished.  Dr. Jim Kinnebrew speaks Biblical Truth with clarity, conviction, and the accuracy of a professor who has taught preachers and other teachers for two decades.  If you would like Jim to come to your church, click on the e-mail link below and let us know.

Going Higher!