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What Others Say . . .

Dr. Tony Guthrie 

Professor of Expository Preaching, Luther Rice University


"Jim Kinnebrew is a biblically sound and spiritually mature communicator of God's Word for today. His insights into the message of the divine text are illuminating and edifying. I wholeheartedly recommend Jim to you and your ministry."

Dr. Michael D. Woods 

CEO, Ministry With Excellency, Inc.

Dr. Jim Kinnebrew is one of the most gifted teachers of Scripture I know. During my advancement through graduate school, I sat under his tutelage for a number of classes and was blessed by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit that exuded from his life. You will be hard pressed to find a better Christian leader and Bible teacher than Jim Kinnebrew. He possesses the character, calling and competence that are consistent with the model men of God portrayed in Scripture. I enthusiastically recommend him to you as one of God’s best communicators of biblical truths.

Dr. Ed Hindson

Assistant Chancellor, Liberty University

Prophecy Teacher, The King Is Coming TV

Dr. James Kinnebrew is an outstanding Christian speaker, Bible teacher and communicator.  God has gifted him with a unique ability to make the Word of God come alive in the hearts and minds of his audience.  I am honored to be able to recommend him.  You will be very pleased with his ministry.  God's hand is on him.

 Dr. R. S. "Rusty" Ricketson

President, Foundation of the Faith, Inc.

"Jim Kinnebrew is a kind-hearted, Christian brother who has a passion to see people come to know Christ and grow in the love of the Lord Jesus. As a theological educator he will be an excellent speaker for any Bible Conference or Christian Discipleship event.  You will find him to be well received as he lovingly shares the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ clearly and accurately. I heartily recommend him."

And . . . he's truly unique!  Here's the proof:

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Click Pic for Dr. Kinnebrew's New Book for Busy Pastors!

Dr. Bill Gordon, Evangelism Response Specialist, NAMB

"Dr. Kinnebrew is one of the great Bible scholars of our time."

 "I respect Jim's professional commitment to innovation and excellence and his personal devotion to Christ".