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December 29, 2008


Churches around the world who participate in the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual January Bible Study will be studying the book of Exodus in 2009.  Thanks to our tax dollars at work, those leading the studies are apt to have an added challenge. Why?  Because the taxpayer-funded Public Broadcasting System recently debuted a two-hour Nova special called The Bible’s Buried Secrets that, among other things, floated the ideas that: ·         The patriarchs of Israel may have never existed·         The so-called Israelites were really Canaanites·         The exodus as depicted in the Bible never happened·         Moses wasn’t a historical character·         The so-called “Books of Moses” were actually compiled many centuries after the supposed events they recount·         Exodus was written by multiple authors, none of them Moses (who didn’t exist)·         And all of the above is settled fact upon which all intelligent scholars agree[i] William Dever, one of the featured archaeologists on the program, said that the PBS Nova special was “designed for intelligent people . . . who want to read the Bible in a modern way.” [ii]  

One would hope that every pastor leading a Bible Study in his church would want to be intelligent about the matter and take into account any pertinent modern knowledge. 

Must such a pastor reject the main narrative in the book of Exodus, negating the heart of Old Testament history and... [More]

Tags: bible critics, exodus, nova, pbs, tv

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